Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Because love is love

In honor of Valentine's Day, a few thoughts about love, equality, and why gay marriage is a good thing:

Because encouraging commitment, stability and openness doesn't undermine the institution of family--it enhances it.

Because everyone is entitled to share value of marriage--love, loyalty, commitment, respect and family.

Because legalizing gay marriage doesn't threaten or undermine my own or anyone else's heterosexual marriage whatsoever.

Because gay people need emotional and economic stability no less than straight people--and society benefits when they have it.

Because it's not about Special Rights, it's about Equal Rights.

Because marriage comes with a host of legal rights...1,049 to be exact, ranging from the ability to collect Social Security survivor's benefits to the right not to have to testify against a spouse in court to the right to priority in claiming human remains and in making anatomical donations on behalf of a deceased spouse.

Because most states recognize marriage between men and women, including persons on death row, child abusers, and wife beaters.  At the same time, those states prohibit marriage by loving, caring, stable partners of the same sex.  And that's just crazy.

Because it makes no sense that the same people who crucify gays as promiscuous in one breath often vilify gay marriage in the next.

Because if conservatives are truly worried about the demise of marriage, why not target Las Vegas-style weddings, no-fault divorce laws or adultery?

Because Thomas Jefferson once said "If it neither breaks my leg nor picks my pocket what difference is it to me?"

Because it's the height of hypocrisy when people like Rush Limbaugh oppose gay marriage because they say it destroys the sanctity of the institution of marriage.......yet they themselves have been married and divorced 3 or 4 times.

Because how could anyone say no to these guys?

Because love is love.  End of story.

Keith Olbermann hit it out of the ballpark with this Special Comment:


  1. Nail hit on head: Because it's not about Special Rights, it's about Equal Rights.

  2. Wow! Thank you Mommy!!! and AMEN!!

  3. Nice Post, I'm so glad for the new couple.
    and great Jefferson quote.

  4. Thanks guys. Dave and Jack were joined in a civil union 5 years ago in NJ (in which Peggy and I were Matrons-of-honor), then they were married legally in MA the following year. I'm still waiting for the day that their marriage is recognized in the state they live in, PA. They deserve that.

  5. Hi Caroline, How can we make your blog required reading for all tea-partiers, right wing republicans, evangelicals, the Catholic church, and Chris Christi (governor of NJ)? Beautiful job, and thank you. You are an awesome supporter of equality and fairness. And always so nice to see our wedding pictures again. Love, Dave
