Thursday, March 20, 2014

Tina Reiley-Phillips, art teacher extraordinaire

Everyone has had a few exceptional teachers in their past who've left an indelible mark on their lives.  We come to appreciate these remarkable educators more and more as we age.  

Both my sons were fortunate to have had Tina Reiley-Phillips teach them art at the Harrisburg Academy when they were young boys.  Tina taught Dominick from age 3-8 and Duke from age 4-10.  

I saved every work of art the boys created during those years, and eventually had their favorite pieces matted and framed, all with large white mats and simple black frames.

These works of art now hang all over our house and serve as a constant reminder that art really does matter.  

Tina exposed her students to the masters, teaching her pupils techniques the greatest artists in the world used.  To this day, Duke and Dominick appreciate art more than I ever would have thought possible.

Can you find the influences of Picasso, Matisse, O'Keeffe, Cezanne, Warhol, Degas, da Vinci and Van Gogh in these pieces?   What's truly remarkable is that all these works were done while the boys were in elementary school.

Thank you, Tina.  YOU ROCK!

Death Valley

Still Life

Mona Lisa by Duke

Duke Self Portrait, Blue Period

Out of Africa

Dominick 3rd grade self portrait

Still Life, floral

Dominick 2rd grade self portrait.  When I asked "what is the green thing on your ear?"
he answered "my earring". 

The Eagle has Landed

Still Life



Still Life

Duke self portrait

Out on the Farm

Duke Self Portrait

Cluck Cluck

Duke Self Portrait

1 comment:

  1. Love these. We r all artists and with good instruction thrive.
